7 years ago
Texas craft breweries find new law hard to swallow
Texas craft breweries are calling House Bill 3287, which just became law after sailing through the Legislature, a “disincentive for growth.” The bill and its impact are complicated, but it all boils down to just how successful breweries can become. “There’s no other industry in the United States and in Texas where a law like this is on the books,” says Justin Engle, owner of two-year-old Town in City Brewing.
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FTA: "The law doesn’t apply to three existing breweries: Karbach, owned by AB InBev, Revolver, owned by Miller-Coors, and Independence, owned by Heineken. In fact, HB 3287 allows them to expand at two new facilities each."
Well...how about that. That anyone would have a shred of respect for the US government is baffling.