4 years ago
Is Technology Actually Making Things Better?
We face a growing array of problems that involve technology directly or indirectly. To name just a few: nuclear weapons, climate change induced by fossil fuels, the possibility that AI will get out of control, the effect of automation on employment, using bots and targeted fake news to influence elections, deepfake software, data and privacy concerns in general and, in particular, the capacity of facial-recognition software to create a surveillance state (like China).
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Only to the degree we are willing to use it towards those ends
same question can be posed about all technology since the first stone axes
a stone blade can be used as a great tool to fashion other tools from leather and wood or it can be used to slit someone’s throat
The technology itself is ethically agnostic, morally impartial and inevitable
it is up to us to inject morals and ethics into that inevitability