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Published 10 years ago by rhingo with 4 Comments

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  • MrsBean

    Facebook isn't just cluttered with accounts of the dead. How about gaming profiles, political hacks, stalkers et al. It's not like you need to provide proof of your identity. Just like you cannot ever delete your account, only deactivate it. Once it's made, it's there forever. (To what purpose? Do more profiles=more revenue? Even if not actively participating?) Besides, given the fate of Facebook forefathers like My Space, what are the odds the company will even be around come 2065 let alone 2100. And why do we care?

    • picklefingers

      I know quite a few people out there who have multiple fake accounts. I'd say a decent amount of their userbase is the same people.

      • MrsBean

        Yup, and I'll admit to being one of them with 3 profiles, none of which are the 'real' me. Various reasons, mostly though because I post to political pages and there are nut cases out there (me not being one of them, honest ;) )

    • junglman

      Not only that, the amount of people using fake names is huge.

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