8 years ago
No Dorms For U.S. Basketball Teams; They'll Stay On A Cruise Ship In Rio
In a move that could be interpreted as indulgent or prescient — or both — the U.S. men's basketball team at the Rio Olympics will stay aboard a luxury cruise ship rather than the spartan facilities at the athletes village. It appears the U.S. women will also be living aboard the Silver Cloud, according to media reports. The men's basketball team, made up of 12 highly compensated NBA stars, has a tradition of opting for upscale digs ever since professionals were allowed to play in the Olympics in 1992. And the men's team even stayed on a cruise liner once before, at the 2004 Games in Athens.
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You could not pay me enough money to go to Rio, especially if I were already a multi-millionaire.
Edit- As an Olympic athlete. Make no mistake, if somebody wanted to pay my airfare and give me a few bucks, I'd fly down there right now...and fly right back home.