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Published 9 years ago by ressmox with 3 Comments

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  • Ruckus

    This is all subjective apart from maybe Arteezy.

    Basing so much off of stats is really unfair to the Russian carries that tend to play a more active part in the early game and play things like Silencer, Pugna or Lina rather than AM, Naga, or SF.

    • ressmox

      Yea I agree, that's the sense I tried to convey that it was the opinion of GosuGamers in the title, perhaps I'll fix it if I can think of a way to word it. To be honest I disagree with most of the ranking, except Arteezy, but I thought it was interesting to see where others think they stand.

      • Ruckus

        I think the fact that it's a GosuGamers article makes it pretty clear it's just their opinion :D. Your title is fine.

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