9 years ago
The disturbing consequences of seeing your doppelganger
One morning, a man discovered his double staring him in the eyes. Anil Ananthaswamy explores a dangerous hallucination that reveals how the brain constructs our sense of self.
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Fascinating, thanks for posting.
I remember in a paranormal anthropology class I took there was reading on something like this, where if you see your doppelgänger it means you're going to die soon , due to the idea it's you beginning to haunt your surrounding area. It's a very interesting article thank you for posting it.
I've never met anybody who looks like me, not enough to say I have a 'doppelganger' anyway.
One day I was in a bar shooting pool with my dad (this was probably 1983ish). This guy walks in, goes up to the bar and orders a beer. He looks over at me playing pool and says, "Kevin! What are you doing here?" I said, "My name is Kevin, but I have no idea who you are." He laughs and walks over to me, then realizes I'm not the person who he thought I was- his brother, who was in Kingman working, this was in Phoenix. I had a short sleeve shirt on so he could see the black rose tattoo on my upper right arm. He says, "Man, my brother looks just like you, he even has a black rose tattooed on his right arm." And, obviously, we have the same name.
This was before cell phones and all that. We had a couple of beers and talked about getting together sometime so I could meet his brother, but we never did. I've always wondered about that and wished I had made more of an effort to meet my doppelganger.