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Published 5 years ago by rehansardar with 0 Comments

Blogging For SEO Success

Blogging and Search Engine Optimization or SEO go hand in hand primarily because they are both concerned with spreading knowledge through technology. SEO is the process of making your website, content or blog extremely relevant, reachable and visible on a search engine by either putting in or highlighting keywords that help the search engine to pull up the content based on a series of words typed into the search bar. In order to do this, one must hire an expert in SEO who can gauge through the weight of the keywords how likely your content will be one of the top ranking pages when you look for certain things.

  • Blogging for SEO Success

    The Internet, since its inception, has proven to be one of the most vital tools in our daily lives. Whether one is interested in games, sports, music, movies, technology, brands, celebrities, catching up with friends through social media, gaining information on restaurants, recipes or just an opinion on these, the Internet have it all. It is, in fact, such an effective means of communication and the dissemination of information, those writers have broken out of their stereotypes of seclusion and eccentricity to join blogging networks and exchange the pen for the keyboard.

    Blogging and Search Engine Optimization or SEO go hand in hand primarily because they are both concerned with spreading knowledge through technology. SEO is the process of making your website, content or blog extremely relevant, reachable and visible on a search engine by either putting in or highlighting keywords that help the search engine to pull up the content based on a series of words typed into the search bar. In order to do this, one must hire an expert in SEO who can gauge through the weight of the keywords how likely your content will be one of the top ranking pages when you look for certain things.

  • How This Influences Blogging:

    • Firstly, as a blogger, one must not rely solely on search engine optimization. One must have fresh content that is relevant to the genre of your blog and makes sense to the reader. It should be interactive, interesting and be able to elicit a response from the readers such as sharing your blog.

    • In terms of blogging, when you seek the help of an expert or a company, they help you categorize your blog by choosing words that are most likely to be searched by a consumer or a reader.

    • One also adds tags to the blog or blog posts in order to make the website more visible to the reader looking for it. These tags are words relevant to your piece. For instance, if your piece concerns the newest cars available in the market and released by a specific brand, like Renault, your tags would be words like ‘cars’, ‘new cars’, ‘Renault Duster’, ‘new Renault cars’ and any other relevant words that you have mentioned in your piece. A keyword, on the other hand, highlights the general idea of the piece.

    • Search Engine Optimization has revolutionized blogging simply because it has made each and every line written by the author easily accessible to the reader. Apart from this, as a blogger, it has also helped form blogging communities that categorize every blog written or submitted under their genres and keywords and tags.

    • Having a blog, whether it is a blog that is specifically about certain fields and their advancements (like technology) or about your personal life experiences, also gives you a professional edge because your potential boss or colleague is more likely to have read a piece by you on the Internet, simply because of SEO.

  • Thus, while it may sound extremely technical in nature, search engine optimization can actually determine the success of your website, or blog. Therefore, in order to be a widely read blogger or to have a blog that has one of the top rankings on a search engine, one really must seek out the help of or employ an expert in SEO. All one needs to do after that is sit back and relax while your blog’s readership increases by the minute. The entire process determines not only how long people stay on your page, but also how many times they return! Provided you have good content, nothing should stop your blog rising.


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