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Published 8 years ago by rawlings with 8 Comments

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  • Appaloosa

    Are you Muslim. Here's why I ask, Until there is an overwhelming Muslim response, a total and absolute fatwa and action that condemns this type of action and killing, you are a concern troll and nothing else.

    • rawlings

      Why would you call this trolling? I shared something I thought others should see. Do you act on every single piece of journalism you read?

      • Appaloosa

        No, I don't, but I am definitely becoming less and less sympathetic to any post that does not denounce, demonize and abjectly reject the actions of these disgusting human beings. I am very clear on my message. Eliminate them.

        • rawlings (edited 8 years ago)

          I am definitely becoming less and less sympathetic to any post that does not denounce, demonize and abjectly reject the actions of these disgusting human beings.

          I'm hoping people can read between the lines. The actions these terrorists are committing are as much horrific as they are despicable, and I would believe are self condemning in the end. Edit: Grammar.

          • Appaloosa

            Your intentions and thoughts are admirable, I do think this. My concern is complacency. We need to shout out the injustice, and more importantly, Muslims have to shout out this injustice, which I don't see. I see plenty of Christians and Jews and Atheists posting worthy articles like yours...where is the Muslim outrage here.

            • rawlings

              I can't answer your question. But I do agree with your point. Maybe one day we will see this happen, sadly it isn't today.

            • Appaloosa
              @rawlings -

              And I greatly respect your effort to bring these travesties to light. Thank you for this.

            • rawlings
              @Appaloosa -

              Thank you! But... realistically, my effort was minimal as I spent mere seconds of my life to share this article. The real effort and thus appreciation and respect truly goes to the journalists that dedicate the time, effort and risk to release such illuminating stories. So here is to them.

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