Turning America Into a War Zone, Where ‘We the People’ Are the Enemy
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Continue Reading http://www.blacklistednews.comTHEY MUST BE STOPPED
During a time of war, when people were protesting and burning their draft cards, I enlisted in the US military and volunteered for duty in the western pacific. I did so because my countrymen were fighting and dying to preserve the American way of life. Many people will tell you the war was for other reasons, and that may be so, however, those of us that volunteered to be there were fighting for our country and many of us, myself included would do it again. We put our lives on the line, many did not come back. Our country is based on the Constitution of the United States of America and it spells out the rights of our citizens, the duties of our government, and our society was built around this document. Without the Constitution our country would be a war zone, with warlords killing all in their path. Slavery, torture, mass killings. We must stop these orginizations that ignore our Constitution. We must do as we are expected as citizens of this country. If we do not act now, we will no longer live in a free society.
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