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Published 6 years ago by ppp with 1 Comments

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  • PR0PH37 (edited 6 years ago)

    So my first thought is that it sounds like her family goes to a Kingdom Hall (Jehovah's Witness) church, and are therefore not "fundamentalists". My second thought it is: What does she do for work or contribution? Does she pay rent or do anything, or does she sit around and watch anime all day long and make costumes?

    I personally would be interested in hearing both sides

    Thirdly, if she told her grandmother that she dresses up as Gothic Lolita, then of course her grandmother is going to make comments as her grandmother would be associating Lolita with it's original name, and not the culturally appropriated name (which anime does a lot of), which is based off of a 1950's story (or 1970's movie) of an underage girl who seduces an older, married man...

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