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Published 8 years ago by picklefingers with 5 Comments

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  • thedon

    What do you guys think is a good programming language to start with? For now I don't really have a project or anything, I just want to try it, but most of the simpler languages seem to have no function outside of the lessons and more common languages like C are kind of intimidating.

    • picklefingers

      If C is intimidating, I'd suggest python. The entire language is written to look nice and be easily readable. Good python code can usually be understood by even beginner programmers. You should try checking out Learn Python the Hard Way. Despite the name, it really isn't that hard to learn from and will bring you to a level where you are able to do personal projects on your own.

  • Kellan

    I second this, Codecademy is great for getting started. Great interactive lessons, a great support community, and just the right amount of help when you need it.

    • picklefingers

      Yep. I wouldn't recommend it for any experienced coder as it is incredibly repetitive, but for people just starting out, its a godsend.

      • Kellan

        It really is. It allows you to get to a level where you can teach yourself or figure things out if you need to . Like with HTML and CSS, once you know the basics, you can pretty much just look up different tags and get going in a few minutes. I only with they had more languages, like Java in the context of Android programming, and Objective-C/Swift.

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