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Published 9 years ago by mtnrg with 3 Comments

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  • septimine

    I don't get how you can make any online store with identity and credit cards from eventually getting hacked eventually. It's just too valuable to thieves.

    • desertjedi85

      Working in security you do everything you can to protect your assets while also knowing that you can't protect against everything. If they want it bad enough they will get in. Once you put in all the protections you can then it's about how would you respond to a breach or how do you track someone breaching.

    • Civil

      There's no way to keep this type of system 100% secure, but I'm willing to bet they were not doing everything they could to prevent this from occurring. At least that's been the case with pretty much every other data breach from a retailer.

      Also, the images on the side-bar for that website made it impossible to fully read the article at work -.-

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