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Published 9 years ago by microfracture with 3 Comments

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  • blakerboy777

    This is really cool, but I'm really sketchy on how it actually works. Can anyone explain what exactly the Rasberry Pi is and how it lets children do so much with it?

    • microfracture (edited 9 years ago)

      The Raspberry Pi a low cost (only $35) credit-card sized computer. It has all your standard stuff HDMI, USB, Ethernet port, etc.

      With the right equipment attached to it you can make it do practically anything you want it to do (e.g. control robots, monitor the weather, stream music or videos, automate things, etc.)

      It's a really nifty piece of hardware and I love mine. If you are interested, we do have a tribe dedicated to it (/t/raspberrypi)

      I'd also recommend checking out the following to get an idea of the kinds of things you can do with it:

      Additonally, YouTube is an excellent resource to find awesome projects.

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