Post Overview
10 years ago+13 13 0Food Art and Pop Culture – 34 creations by Tisha Cherry
The Food Art creations of Tisha Cherry, who with her “Art in the Eats” project has fun to populate her Instagram account with culinary creations in tribute to Hip Hop, Street Art and pop culture… Appetizing!
10 years ago+12 12 0These 60 Rare Photos Will Destroy Everything You Knew About The Past. Mind = Blown.
And more than a few are hilarious!
10 years ago+20 20 0These 40 Brilliant Ads Are Shocking, But They'll Make You Think About Important Issues
They grabbed my attention for all the right reasons.
10 years ago+8 8 0Amazing beards actually have animals shaped into them
As if facial hair wasn't cool enough already.
10 years ago+19 19 0Paris, Under your Feet
This breathtaking pool of glistening turquoise water under creamy ecclesiastical stone vaulting is the underground water reservoir tank of Mountsouris, a hidden treasure in the south of the Paris. Sitting undisturbed beneath the feet of unknowing Par ...
10 years ago+8 8 0Lomo'Instant, An Instant Camera Featuring a Variety of Lenses
Lomo'Instant is an instant camera by Lomography featuring a built-in wide-angle lens with a fisheye lens and a portrait lens both available as attachments. The camera can take multiple exposures, long exposures, and can use color gels to infuse ...
Current Event
10 years ago+23 23 0Who Is Maya Angelou? How One 'Phenomenal Woman' Shaped Generation After Generation
Maya Angelou has been heralded as the voice of a generation — and not just for the books and poems she contributed to our high school required reading lists, or the Pinterest “Words of Inspiration” boards that are littered with her poignant life musi ...
Current Event
10 years ago+18 18 0Watch Bill Murray Crash Some Random Dude’s Bachelor Party And Give An Incredible Speech
Bill Murray should always give drunk speeches at random bachelor parties.
10 years ago+13 13 0'Panda dogs' are the latest animal must-have
No, these aren't pandas, they’re actually dogs that have been made to look like them.
10 years ago+20 20 0Motorcyclist makes 'epic' selfie compilation to capture his world trip
Motorcyclist Alex Chacon laughs in the face of bed selfies, beach feet selfies, gym selfies, squelfies, and James Franco in general.
10 years ago+24 24 0The Cure for Creative Blocks? Leave Your Desk.
Feeling stuck? New research suggests that leaving your desk, traveling to far-flung places, and spending time alone all improve your creative thinking.
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10 years ago+21 21 0Sublime Illustrated Cinemagraphs by Rebecca Mock
A really well done cinemagraph is really cool, but add a nice ingredient to this, like a complete illustrated cinemagraph, and we're talking about an amazing piece of art, like these by artist Rebecca Mock.
10 years ago+8 8 0LIX Is The World’s Smallest 3D Drawing Pen That Lets You Draw In The Air
magine being able to draw a solid 3D object in the air, the way you might draw signs in the air with your finger. That’s exactly the idea behind the Lix 3D pen, which can draw solid lines through the air with no need for paper. They launched a Kickst ...
Current Event
10 years ago+14 14 0McLaren boss Ron Dennis recalls Ayrton Senna's joyful side 20 years after ace driver's death
Twenty years after Ayrton Senna's tragic death, Ron Dennis still struggles to speak about the special bond he shared with the Formula One great.
10 years ago+25 25 0These Are The Most Creative And Brilliant Business Cards You'll Ever See (Photos)
Some may argue that business cards are outdated when it comes to the most common communication tools used today. Nowadays, in the world of business, as long as you have someone's full name, you can find their social media accounts online and con ...
10 years ago+20 20 0Watch 12 Years of a Life Unfold in First Trailer for Richard Linklater's 'Boyhood'
The trick of Dazed and Confused director Richard Linklater's latest coming-of-age movie Boyhood is a real-life coming-of-age, in that his unique project was shot over a 12-year period to capture the actors as they grew up in real time.
10 years ago+18 18 0Meet the Illum, Lytro's futuristic new light-field camera
Lytro's first camera came out more than two years ago, a kaleidoscope of a device that was a lot of fun to shoot with but not particularly impressive. It let you focus and refocus a shot after you...
10 years ago+27 27 0These People Might Look Odd. But Take A Closer Look... It's Not What You Think. At All.
Photographer Ulric Collette’s series of photos called Portraits Genetiques (Genetic Portraits) shows just how similar family members are. He splits the photos down the middle and splices together faces of family members. Mothers, daughters, fathers a ...
10 years ago+22 22 0B-Style Babes: Japanese Women Adopting The 'Black Lifestyle'
B-Style is the latest craze among Japanese teens. Where once they might have invested in skin whitening products, or dressed up as china dolls, now they are spending their time at the tanning salon, trying to look like American hip-hop stars. Go figu ...
Current Event
10 years ago+14 14 0George Zimmerman Sells Trayvon Martin Painting for $30,000
George Zimmerman just can't seem to keep himself out of the headlines. Though controversy continues to surround his name, he has once again thrust himself into the spotlight.