7 years ago
Americans Taxed $400 Billion For Fiber Optic Internet That Doesn't Exist | National Economics Editorial
Americans Paid $400 Billion in Taxes & Internet Surcharges for Fiber Optic Upgrades that Never Came. South Korea is the poster child for high-speed internet: its fixed-connection and mobile download speeds are consistently among the fastest in the world, and its capital city, Seoul, is completely saturated with Wi-Fi. How did they do it?
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Right. Except for the part about there not being any such taxes, the headline’s misleading, the article’s rubbish, the site’s as far to the extreme right as it is well short of actual understanding. Honestly, it’s astonishing they took time out of their day for something other than posting fake news about the glories of Trumpism and the insidious threat from within posed by dusky-skinned foreigners posing as ‘migrants’ and ‘refugees.’
You can tell a lot about people by the sources they link to. This source’s a favorite of /r/The_Donald. Hadn’t expected to see it at Snapzu, but there you go.