9 years ago
Beheaded Syrian scholar refused to lead Isis to hidden Palmyra antiquities
Khaled al-Asaad, 82, was interrogated by militants for a month before he was murdered in the ancient city
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The whole world loses
The world truly lost a giant. This is terrible. This 'Caliphate' is a joke. Totalitarianism hiding behind the skirts of religion. Studying our past is apostasy? This is mindbogglingly delusional. Any one who wants to take or change your history is out to enslave you. These people are just trying to bring the world back to the Middle Ages. This is a war of attrition we cannot afford to loose.
Ironically, when Muhammad founded the religion, he encouraged people to explore and question their world, because only by knowing the world better can one truly know god. While Europe was in the dark ages, the arab muslim world was flourishing in a golden age of science and enlightenment. Then fundies happened.
Fuck fundies of all stripes. They're abusing the actual teachings of most of these religions in order to achieve political power.
Oh I couldn't agree more. So much of our science and knowledge stemmed from these times. Algebra, the scientific method & even some basic hygienic practices in medicine are just a few examples that come to mind off the top of my head.
Fundamentalism in any form is detrimental to the safety and prosperity of everyone on Earth. Taking any belief structure as a word for word dictation of how things should be is a recipe for disaster that flies in the face of the 'Golden Age of Islam.'
Te entire world needs to go in there and wipe them out in one fell swoop. If only it were that easy.
I remember a little while back them threatening to destroy Borobudur in Indonesia. Every Middle Eastern, North African, and Asian nation that has a mostly Muslim population should be on guard from ISIS trying to destroy any of their non-Islamic culture sites.
I'm seriously intrigued as to why we haven't just fucked them up badly already. I mean, this people seriously need to be stopped.
I think trying to wipe them out will only have us enter a long, costly war with them, which will end not because it is won, but because of war-weariness. They'll just have an even easier time to recruit new members, with us being seen as aggressors. I think the tough but correct way of dealing with them is to work towards reducing social class differences and poverty. ISIS, like many extremist movements, largely plays on emotions as they recruit members. Emotions like anger, despair, frustration, neglect.
Respect to the legend of this man rip