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Published 9 years ago by mariogi with 6 Comments

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  • mariogi

    Getting it myself now. The download is approx 2 GB (seems like a lot for such an old game) and it requires the origin client.

    • Zeus

      IIRC, the Red Alert games are loaded with cheesy FMV movies, which would explain the download size. :)

  • Urgz (edited 9 years ago)

    I have played this one so much. The challenge is not to destroy the enemy's camp, but to play against a number of enemies and to try and take over their camps one by one.

    Edit: Just downloaded it, man, that intro, still awesome after all these years :) Thanks for sharing, /u/mariogi

  • Saffire (edited 9 years ago)

    I've still got the CDs for this one, so no need to download, but I recommend it to anybody that doesn't have it, it's great!

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, it's got an awesome updated version of the song Hell March from the original C&C Red Alert. If you liked the original (And let's be honest, was there anybody that didn't love that song?) then definitely check it out.

  • hitthee

    hah thanks! I miss command and conquer!

  • NinjaKlaus

    This is great, I always forget to check the free games on Origin, I spent many hours on the C&C and Dune games as a young kid.

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