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Published 4 years ago by lukeskar with 0 Comments

Getting A Mortgage After Transferring Jobs

This article discusses things that lenders will approve for people moving to another state, as well as things that will get a mortgage application turned down, and why.

  • Taking on a new job in a different state brings a lot of challenges. Along with the move, there is the task of getting approved for a home loan.

    There are several examples of acceptable job changes that lenders will approve in these situations. However, it is a bit more paperwork involved.

    Lenders are scrutinizing several things. You need to make sure you have the right documents, and the right employment situation, to pull this off.

    This article about getting a mortgage after transferring jobs discusses things that lenders will approve for people moving to another state, as well as things that will get a mortgage application turned down, and why.

  • Getting a mortgage after transferring jobs Getting a mortgage after transferring jobs

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