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Published 9 months ago by kxh with 3 Comments

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  • Gozzin

    Inner voice here for words,music (am a musician). Inner visual capasity in reading,and visual memory. I can draw what I see in my minds eye. It does seem strange everyone can't...I wish I had synthesia and could see music. Oh well.

    • kxh

      I've been thinking about this. People with perfect pitch can have the kind of synethesia which associates a note with another sense, but most of us don't have perfect pitch. I have relative pitch, a melody sounds the same to me if transposed up or down a semitone, or more. For me a string of notes, a melody can evoke a feeling or another sense.

      • Gozzin

        A melody sounds higher or lower in pitch if I have to move it up or down an octive...I often did have to move tunes from g to d for the mountain dulcimer players when I ran a dulcimer club (I play the hammer dulcimer) so they did not have to re tune their instruments,which would be a pain.

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