5 years ago
U.S. charges Julian Assange under Espionage Act
The U.S. Department of Justice today indicted Wikileaks' Julian Assange under the Espionage Act, the first time a publisher has been charged for revealing classified information.
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You know they have been counting the days in anticipation of getting their hands around his throat.
Friendly reminder that Assange is not a journalist, but this is definitely an attack on the press.
How do you figure Assange is not a journalist, exactly? Because of Wikileaks's perfect record of joumalistic accuracy?
Good luck with that!
I'm gonna treat the US tourists visiting my town a little different: I was already pointing them in the wrong directions, now I will turn down the friendliness-button. Even just ignore them, while they ask whatever they want to know. Sounds childish, perhaps, but it is about damn time we Europeans should take a stand directly to these kind of things ourselves instead of our lameass cocksucking politicians.
Even the ones with enough sense to pretend to be Canadians?
coughCovert operationscough
This sets a really bad precedent. Fascism is on the rise and this is an important stepping stone for them.