9 years ago
This Is the Year’s Best Drone Photography
The winning images of an international competition include a selfie with sharks and sky-high views of famous cities and monuments.
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Some interesting and creative images here. I wonder if helicopter pilots are going to be affected by the ability for photographers to get great aerial shots, without the photographer having to leave the ground?
That's an interesting thought. I love to find out about things like that that have happened in history. How one thing that didn't seem too significant made a difference that isn't immediately apparent.
As quick as we're getting drone pics that are amazing to look at, areas around the world are banning drones. The first that comes to mind is the Taj Mahal.
Definitely check out Amos Chapple's work with drones. His ground work is pretty awesome, too.
Some pretty good pics,I would like to have a drone for pictures.