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Published 8 years ago by kxh with 5 Comments

President Trump: How & Why...

Pie thinks he knows who is to blame for the rise of Trump...and you're not going to like it!


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  • kxh

    As I understand it, it's traditional on snapzu to explain why you downvoted something. I am interested in this case, though, did you downvote this post because it's anti-Hillary or anti-Trump?

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    • Appaloosa (edited 8 years ago)

      It happens to me too often, but in this case it looks like the reason was it was a repost. I did not post the original, but I did not downvote you. I generally never downvote anything. It just defeats the purpose of why we come here. I tend to upvote everything, even if I don't agree with something. It's one of the very nice aspects of Snapzu that makes me want to participate. No ideas or opinions are bad ones here. I like that.

      EDIT: I did not post original

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