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Published 7 years ago by kxh with 16 Comments

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  • sashinator

    Nobody called her a weak person. But she is a weak candidate. Because she lost. To an orange steak salesman. Say that out loud. Let it sink in.

    Get your head out your ass. She didn't lose because she's a woman. She lost because she's a weak candidate.

    • ttubravesrock

      You should be careful about using the color of someone's skin to denigrate them.

    • AdelleChattre

      Maybe it’d be clearer to say she was a strong neocon abroad and a fierce neoliberal at home. Otherwise you risk Solnit’s ire for using the thought-crime word ‘weak.’ As she sexistsplains here: “They sent a pink lifeboat and we sent it back, because we wanted a blue lifeboat, and now we are very upset that people are drowning.”

      • sashinator

        "We" wanted a lifeboat. Instead there was a choice between drowning in mud or drowning in quicksand.

        • AdelleChattre

          I take it as a promising sign that as soon as Clinton was defeated the U.S. turned against its Al Qaeda and Daesh allies in Syria. Makes you wonder how much of the demented Obama White House Middle-Eastern strategy has been either hers or meant to be in continuity with the expectation of hers in the new administration. The coming war may be averted yet.

  • Appaloosa (edited 7 years ago)

    It took an election to defeat what she represents. Glad to see people are not the dumb voter they expected.

    • RoamingGnome

      But it was smart to elect someone who promotes policies that we know for a fact cause recessions and will exacerbate the income gap? How was that smart? How is it smart to give rich people more money while making the poor people pay for that raise? How is it smart to send jobs overseas? If you think that Trump will do even one single thing that he promised, you are delusional. He is already backpedaling on pretty much every promise he made and it hasn't even been a week.

      Let's not forget that we are talking about a man who is worth several billion dollars, yet he has filed bankruptcy numerous times and screwed small business people; the exact people he claims to want to help. He has literally already taken food off of their table. Yet, now he is going to fight for them? Give me a motherfucking break.

      • AdelleChattre

        Couple of things. Hey, there’s no evidence he had a billion, let alone several. Literally taking food off their table? Like he goes into people’s home and once dinner’s been set out and people are washing their hands, he sneaky-walks around the table pouring their meals into his burglar’s bag? The man’s too much of a weather vane to say he’s backpedaled on everything he said he’d do.

        He’ll round up millions of people and put them into camps. He’s sticking to that. He’ll put women in prison for having abortions, there’s a solid commitment. He’ll kill not only his personal enemies, but their extended families as well. He’ll keep the torture dungeons at Gitmo at full capacity. No second thoughts there. I don’t know what campaign promises you’re saying he’s flaking on. Well, yeah, apparently the wall will be fences in sections, but six of one, half dozen of the other, right? Think what it’ll do for the ladder industry alone!

        One other thing. If you think Clinton was going to work tirelessly to improve the lot of the poor, well, you’re too shell-shocked by the outcome of the election to think straight. The Republican candidate lost in this election.

        • RoamingGnome

          I was using the new definition of literally. And, I never supported Clinton or her policies.

          • AdelleChattre

            Oh, thank goodness. I thought for a minute one or the other of us might’ve been showing some kind of faith in humanity’s better nature. Glad that’s over with. Are you still thinking of moving further back into the redwoods?

            • RoamingGnome

              Yes, I'm definitely getting out of Lake county. Lake county is a bastion of grape-growing rednecks in the middle of NorCal. These idiots think weed is the worst thing in the world, but by God, that wine is just awesome and has never caused harm to anybody or anything...because it's the Blood of Christ, by Gawd! It's like living in the South. I moved here from Virginia to get away from exactly the kind of people who live here.

            • AdelleChattre
              @RoamingGnome -

              Ever been to Scotia?

            • RoamingGnome (edited 7 years ago)
              @AdelleChattre -

              No, but I've always wanted a 1967 Nova.

              Edit- I just looked it up, I had never heard of Scotia. I love Humboldt.

  • AdelleChattre


    [A]s my brilliant friend Aruna d’Souza put it Wednesday: “At some point soon we need to discuss whether Sanders would have been able to win, but helpful hint: today, it just sounds like you’re saying: ‘The Democrats should have cut into Trump’s lead in the misogynist vote and the whitelash vote by running a white man.’ Let’s come to terms with the racism and the misogyny first, before analyzing the what-ifs – because otherwise we’re just going to replicate it forever. And if you think that the angry anti-establishment vote won (hence Sanders would have fared better), let me remind you that patriarchy and white supremacy are the cornerstones of the Establishment.”

    The more Democrats nurse their electoral wounds with identity politics, the worse those wounds will get. Solnit is a brilliant and even profound writer. This self-piteous exercise in groupthink here is beneath her considerable talents. Yes, the other guy is a bigot, a lout and a vulgarian. No, your candidate’s only weakness isn’t that she’s a member of an oppressed class. Sad that even Solnit is wallowing in sexism like a hog in slop. Even Solnit! However sad you are that our neoliberal rulers won’t be so diverse that they’ll include yet another blond white woman, Sanders would have won and no, it’s not because he’s got it easy as a socialist, progressive white man. That’s asinine.

    Solnit let ginned up fear be her research here. For shame. She owed herself better.

    • ttubravesrock

      I've never heard of Solnit or read any of her articles before this one. Needless to say, it wasn't much of a first impression.

      • AdelleChattre (edited 7 years ago)

        She’s the most impressive, the most thoughtful, and the most honest writer working today, if you ask me. I find myself utterly blown away by her, again and again and again. Which is another reason why this feckless, unknowing, uncaring, sexist apologia for Hillary Clinton — of all people! — seems so bizarrely shallow.

        It’s yet another reminder that if you can’t bring yourself to believe that people would be that stupid, think again because there’s probably something you’ve misunderstood.

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