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Published 9 years ago by kevino025 with 7 Comments
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  • CaCtUs2003

    If this is the version of Superman we got instead of Superman Returns, I probably would have been okay with that. To say the least, it would have been interesting even if it was terrible.

    • jayrunham

      Imagine how it could have effected the current superhero trend. Could have either really screwed it up or help really take flight even faster.

  • ClarkKent

    I agree, this would of been okay with me if it was made in that time. But if it was made now I would be a very sad Superman fan.

  • iansane138

    Even if Superman Lives would've been an awful movie, it would've been so much fun. Nic Cage is a strange, sometimes method, sometimes passionate, actor that makes every character he is an extension of himself. He loves Superman, naming his son Kal-El even, so it would've been so, so interesting to seem him be that role.

  • Aditya

    You can see how involved Nic was with this project, and probably is with every project.

    I wonder now what this movie could have been.

  • tyler

    Due to Reddit's one true God subreddit, I thought this was a joke. I was expecting some sort of photoshopped image instead of a real video.

  • jessdabess

    Honestly everything I've heard about what the plot of this movie would have been sounds good. Bran is and doomsday, that had all the makings of something potentially fantastic.

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