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Published 7 years ago by johnbikaz with 0 Comments

Article Marketing Basics

An affordable way of internet marketing is that of article marketing. It is cost-free money wise, but entails some time to write the article

  • An affordable way of internet marketing is that of article marketing. It is cost-free money wise, but entails some time to write the article.

    The best articles are those that are written from pure content, written with a new perspective for the subject at hand.

    Most every subject has been covered by someone, somewhere, at sometime, and all the following articles on the same subject are just a rehash of the original article in one way or another using different words.

    With the introduction of article writing software, the business of article marketing has become profitable to many writers, yet has come to the attention of search engines such as Google and others. I believe that if you write your own articles, using your own words and not copying someone else words and making your writing unique, you will go far in your writing career.

    One way of getting started in article marketing is to follow the Bum marketing method of article marketing, so named by the author of the bum marketing method, Travis Sago who named it this when after submitting a couple of articles in his wives name and making money with them, she exclaimed, I bet you could take a bum off the street and teach him to make money in a library using the computer for free.

    While it is true that Bum marketing works and is absolutely free of cost, not everybody makes money with this method for many reasons, one of which is not completely following the original method as taught by Travis, and going off on your own way in thinking how it should work.

    Another problem is not writing using originality of you own words, by copying someone else words and just changing some sentences and paragraphs with your own.

    It is becoming much harder these days to cheat the search engines by copying articles in this manner. A good example is how Google as a search engine looks at articles and decides which of two articles written on the same keyword is more worthy of a better page rank and position.

    The article written with the best content usually wins out, and the best content is the one that gives pertinent information to help the reader and is written in an easy informal way. My advice to anyone reading this article is to just be natural in your writing articles and also to be unique, so as to brand your writing as your own and no one else.


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