9 years ago
Cortana for Android APK Leaks
Microsoft announced earlier this year that Cortana would be coming to Android, but it looks as if the app has leaked early. After Paul Dale tweeted a picture of the app running on his Note 4, hundreds over users have downloaded the voice assistant with varied success – follow the link to give it a try.
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I will wait this out and see what you guys have to say about it!
EDIT: Decided to install it anyways, and try it out! EDIT2: Works great on my Nexus 6! No crashes, yet.
Trying right now in a Moto X 2013 with Android 5.1. EDIT It installs but crashes after I make a query.
iOS user here, but I'm really curious about Cortana.
I'm happy with Google Now, but I'm also very curious about Cortana and more competition is not a bad thing.