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Published 9 years ago by jenjen1352 with 2 Comments

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  • alizure

    i can tolerate spiders. as long as they stay OUTSIDE away from me. Other than that... if they come in the house.... they die. lol

    • jenjen1352

      I bet you have no idea as to how many spiders are living undetected in your house. :) Really. I did a cupboard rearrangement in the kitchen and saw four spiders scampering away. The good thing is that they really do keep other bug populations down and as long as they keep out of sight they don't bother me. The exception to that rule was a young House spider that set up home in my kitchen houseplants. We called her Charlotte and watched her get bigger and bigger until even I had had enough what with webs all over my plants. She must've heard us talking because she was gone by the next day. I rather prefer the small ones. :)

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