9 years ago
European Union Calls For Edward Snowden Criminal Charges To Be Dropped: Will Whistleblower Find Asylum in Europe?
The European Union's Parliament voted 285 to 281 Thursday to drop charges against former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who exposed the agency's widespread spying activities. The Parliament said that not enough has been done to protect the rights of EU citizens from mass surveillance. In a release, the Parliament urged countries to "drop any criminal charges against Edward Snowden, grant him protection and consequently...
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According to the story, "The Parliament said that not enough has been done to protect the rights of EU citizens from mass surveillance." Yet, the vote was 285-281. So they feel that mass surveillance is a bad thing yet they barely pass a vote to drop charges against someone who brought mass surveillance programs to light?
I cannot believe that Snowden will ever be safe in Europe. To put it bluntly: Europe is sucking America's d@#k.
I'm not holding my breath,since no one has the gonads to challenge the US.