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Published 9 years ago by jayrunham with 4 Comments

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  • TonyDiGerolamo

    Seems like that story ended. I mean, the first one was good, but what story is left to tell?

    • SevenTales

      Like you, I don't see how the second one could be good for the story. The first one is perfect in that it's really ended after it.

  • dmt

    I... don't think this is a good thing. But hey, I subscribe to the idea that movies are for enjoyment, and try not to take them too seriously or be too critical. So maybe I'll enjoy it. I mean, I found a way to enjoy Boondock Saints 2, so anything is possible.

  • callmefish

    Some things are better left alone.

    Wondering what happened to Renton and Spud - that should just be left to the imagination of the reader of the first book and/or viewer of Trainspotting.

    That's just, like, my opinion, man.

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