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Published 4 years ago by ishawnmike with 0 Comments

How to Clean and Disinfect Your Home against COVID-19

Do you know that the coronavirus can last for up to 120 hours on everyday objects? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that the COVID-19 stays active on plastic and steel surfaces for 2-3 days. Even worse, it can survive on ceramics, certain types of glass, and paper for up to 5 days! Therefore, it makes absolute sense to forgo any compromise on cleanliness as the alternative is terrible. The coronavirus is very contagious; consequently, we need to upgrade our cleaning skills to keep our living spaces safe from this fatal virus.

  • Why Do you Need To Clean and Disinfect your House Regularly?

    Let us consider some scenarios: You went to a nearby supermarket and brought back your grocery in shopping bags. There is a high chance that the virus may be on the various grocery items or carry bags. When you bring these items inside your house, the virus enters your home too. Similarly, let's say you called a food delivery man that delivered a takeaway to your doorstep. Even though you did not have any contact with the delivery guy, the virus may have been alive on the cardboard food box which you brought inside your home. In all these scenarios, chances are high for your home to get contaminated if you do not regularly disinfect your home. Hence, it's best to not take any risks and keep cleaning and disinfecting your home regularly. Let us learn some methods of purifying our home from the dreadful microbes of COVID-19:

  • 1. Clean High-Touch Surfaces Daily

    Brian Hedlund, a microbiologist, said that we often overlook high-touch surfaces in our homes, which increases the risk of infection. High-touch surfaces are places that we touch or frequently use in our living spaces. Here are some examples: - Doorknobs - Doorbells - Door handles - Chairs - Tables - Kitchen counters - Taps - Keyboards - Switches - TV remote Once we have identified the high-touch surfaces in our home, we can then move on to the next step: cleaning and disinfecting.

    Step 1: Clean

    Take a spray bottle and add a soap solution to it. You just need to mix liquid soap in water. Now spray it on all the suspected surfaces. It will remove the impurities from the surfaces. However, germs can still be there, which brings us to our next step.

    Step 2: Disinfect

    You can effectively kill the virus disinfectants. Keep the following things in mind when disinfecting your home: - Use only EPA approved disinfectants - If disinfecting products are unavailable, dilute some bleach in water ( add 5 tbsp. bleach in one gallon of water) - Make sure to wear plastic gloves - Read the label carefully - For alcohol solutions, make sure there is 70% of alcohol - Always check the date of expiry - Do not go for clothing bleaches as they are not suitable for the surfaces Let us now learn the cleaning method of different items in our home:

  • 2. Clean Soft Surfaces

    Surfaces like carpets, sofas, rugs, and couches can be cleaned in the following way: - Though it requires a lot of effort, you can clean the small couches at home. Make a water solution with dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent. Next, dip a washing cloth in the water and use it to rub the soft surfaces thoroughly.
    - It can be challenging to clean carpets by hand, you can call professional cleaning services for these difficult soft surfaces in your home. Carpet Cleaning Windsor is providing an impeccable cleaning of carpets and rugs in the UK. Look fo other cleaners near you that are offering safe cleaning services. - Regularly vacuum the soft surfaces

  • 3. Clean Towels, Dusters, Clothing, etc.

    The virus can survive on clothing for at least 2 days, so when you go outside, make sure to remove your clothes and put them in the laundry as soon as you get back. Here are a few other useful tips: - Cover your hands with disposable gloves when handling the dirty clothes - Wash clothes with warm water and dry them in sunlight (if possible) - Change the towels, bedsheets, and bathrobes regularly (especially of an infected person's room) - Also, rinse the dirty clothes bucket with water - Wash hands properly after handling the dirty clothes

  • 4. Electronic Items

    We often share remote controls, tablets, laptops, and sometimes our cell-phones. Acute care is essential even in cleaning the electronic items. Follow the below tips: - If the electronic items have a plastic cover on them, wipe them regularly - Do not spray the cleaner or disinfectant directly on electronic items. Use cotton balls. Make them wet with the cleaner and then clean your stuff. - Check the booklet for cleaning instructions - You can also use alcohol wipes - Make sure to dry the things after cleaning

  • 5. Clean Your Kitchen

    Kitchen counters and basin are the most critical areas to be cleaned. You put all the things, including vegetables, fruits, groceries, and even raw meat on your counter. Some people even use the counters for cutting vegetables. If the counter is contaminated, there is a high risk that germs can go inside your body through food. Similarly, the basin also needs prime attention. You wash all the dishes and raw meat in your basin. If there is an infected person in your house, try washing their plates in a separate place. Keep the following points in mind: - Try using hot water for kitchen cleaning - Use products containing Lysol for disinfecting - Wear gloves when handling the dirty dishes - When you are done, remove gloves and wash hands properly

  • 6. Clean the Bedroom

    When it comes to the bedroom, you need to make sure about good ventilation. Try to keep the windows open and turn off the air conditioner unless absolutely required. Besides, if someone in your house is sick, try to keep the person in a separate bedroom. Disinfect the doorknobs, and the door handles. Make a solution with a disinfectant and mop your floors regularly with it. Also, remove all the carpets and big rugs from the room as they are hard to clean. Just keep small mats in front of the washroom.

  • 7. Clan the Bathroom

    Just like every other part of our house, bathrooms also require thorough cleaning. The bathroom floor, basin, toilet seat, and bathtub should be cleaned thoroughly. Using water is not enough to kill the germs. Try using a disinfectant solution in the bathroom as well. Germs travel quickly through traces of urine and stool. Make sure to flush after every visit and try to keep the washroom dry.

  • Takeaway

    It seems like the virus is here to stay. Besides regular handwashing, social distancing, and personal cleanliness, home hygiene is essential for your health and safety. It is very easy to bring the virus with you; therefore, disinfecting the house is the only solution. What methods are you using to disinfect your house?


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