9 years ago
These Beautiful Aerial Photos Of L.A. Show What Income Inequality Looks Like From Above
Richer neighborhoods are beautiful, curvy swaths of green and blue. Poverty means you live in a straight brown line.
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Even so,those houses are almost on top of each other...How depressing to live like that, pool or no pool. And the poor people..It's just so sad.
This just reminded me of the theme song to Weeds. Also, I do have to admit, some of those patterns in the photos are very satisfying to me.
Except that the "curviest" of the pictures, the 2nd one, is of the Lions Lighthouse in Long Beach. I'm pretty sure no one lives there. A bit disingenuous there.
I think it was pretty much a given. Still, not something you would find in a middle-to-low class neighborhood... To me, it still stands.