+18 +4
Why top internet sleuths say they won't help find the UnitedHealthcare CEO killer
TikTok users who would normally leap at the chance to identify an alleged criminal are standing down during the manhunt for the killer of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.
+36 +4
California Bans ‘Excited Delirium’ As A Cause Of Death
Excited delirium is a very unique medical condition. It almost always kills its victims. The victims of this apparent sudden cause of death are almost always in the presence of police officers when…
+45 +4
'I know my story. I know my truth': The woman behind Stockholm Syndrome says it's all a lie
A 23-year-old bank teller caught up in a siege inspired the psychological term Stockholm syndrome. But 50 years later, experts say Kristin's story is totally misunderstood.
+43 +9
Police Are Getting DNA Data From People Who Think They Opted Out
Forensic genetic genealogists skirted GEDmatch privacy rules by searching users who explicitly opted out of sharing DNA with law enforcement.
+33 +5
Large brawl in Alabama as people defend Black riverboat worker against white assailants
Fight appeared to start when a worker objected to a pontoon boat preventing a larger river boat from docking, and was attacked by a group of white men
+35 +11
Connecticut State Troopers Apparently Tried To Bury Biased Stop Data By Falsifying 26,000 Traffic Tickets
Biased policing is just the way things are done. Decades of targeting minorities for being minorities has resulted in tons of garbage data now being used to justify “smarter” policing g…
+14 +3
A boy, 11, called police in Mississippi. A cop shot him
Nakala Murry says her son doesn't understand what happened to him. "His words to me were: 'Why did he shoot me? What did I do?' "
+26 +3
People Were Unwittingly Implanted With Fake Devices in Medical Scam, FBI Alleges
Stimwave allegedly told doctors that the plastic implantable rods would help ease patients' chronic pain.
+15 +1
Christian charity terrorized employees with a fake shooter. The lawsuits have started.
According to the Omaha World-Herald, on May 19, 2022, employees at the organization’s office — which reportedly also contained a domestic violence shelter —heard gunshots and saw a masked man with a semiautomatic handgun enter the building. In an affidavit, one employee said she saw people fleeing the building while others lay on the ground smeared with what turned out to be fake blood.
+26 +4
6th cop suspended from Memphis force over Tyre Nichols killing
There's something different about Officer Hemphill. Can't quite put my finger on it.
+21 +2
Muay Thai trainer's Apple Watch sparks full-blown police raid at gym
Police swarmed a Sydney gym after a trainer's Apple Watch mistakenly called police.
+16 +3
Axon evidence-storing system full of flaws, lawyer says, as police consider expansion
A defence lawyer says police's private American-provided evidence storing system is derailing criminal trials and letting in the wrong people.
+11 +2
China accused of illegal police stations in the Netherlands
A Dutch media report says China is running an undeclared police operation to pressure dissidents.
+18 +1
What is Fog Reveal? Police use new app to track people without a warrant
New tool shows where and when people work and live, with whom they associate and what places they visit.
+4 +1
Police arrested a suspected serial killer in Stockton, Calif.
A man suspected of killing six men and wounding a woman in a series of shootings in Northern California was arrested before dawn Saturday as he drove through the streets of Stockton, armed with a handgun and possibly searching for another victim, police said.
+15 +3
Cops can buy large amounts of location data for under $10k
How Fog Data Science sells records of your whereabouts, according to the EFF
+17 +4
Amazon Shared Ring Security Camera and Video Doorbell Footage With Police Without a Warrant
Amazon has shared Ring security camera and video doorbell footage with police without a warrant or user consent. Consumer Reports looks at the privacy aspects of the actions.
+27 +3
Police Linked to Hacking Campaign to Frame Indian Activists
New details connect police in India to a plot to plant evidence on victims' computers that led to their arrest.
+18 +3
Texas DPS Wants Uvalde Bodycam Footage Buried Because It Might Let School Shooters Know Cops Won’t Stop Them From Killing Children
The Uvalde Police Department — which currently avails itself of 40% of the town’s budget — did nearly nothing to stop an extremely horrific school shooting that resulted in 19 dea…
+24 +3
Australian Law Enforcement Now Forcing Service Providers To Grant Access To Data And Content
Maybe these companies shouldn’t have worked so hard to protect the information and communications of criminals while providing the same protections to the 99.5% of non-criminals that make up their user bases.
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