11 years ago
Nintendo: It’s Dangerous To Go Alone! Take This.
I’m sad for Nintendo. I love Nintendo. I really do. And so it pains me to see them in such a state. But I come bearing gifts. Rather than being the millionth person to advise them to move their games to smartphones, I thought I’d offer another alternative. It’s one I’ve laid out previously, and the response to it seemed positive enough that I thought it was worth elaborating upon. Because again, I want Nintendo to survive. And thrive.
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Hell, if Nintendo won't do it someone else will...
People already have access to all sorts of retro games on their phones and computers using emulators. Nintendo just failed to capitalize on that market. The Wii U has not been a revolutionary gaming console in any aspects and Nintendo needs to make a big change like this if they want to survive. I hope for their sake that they produce some kind of retro gaming console like this unless they have something even bigger in store.
Maybe include a projector on the console?
Thats actually a great idea, although it would probably too expensive to do it.