9 years ago
The Red Dragon Inn
In Red Dragon Inn, you and your friends are a party of heroic, fantasy adventurers. You've raided the dungeon, killed the monsters, and taken their treasure. Now you're back, and what better way to celebrate your most recent victory than to spend an evening at the Red Dragon Inn. You and your adventuring companions will spend the night drinking, gambling, and roughhousing. The last person who is both sober enough to remain conscious and shrewd enough to hold onto his Gold Coins wins the game.
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I played this for the first time a couple weeks ago. It'd really fun and very creative. I am looking to buy it soon. Also, I noticed that whilst every game comes with four characters, there are several characters to collect through various versions of the game. All versions are compatible with each other. Very well done.
Sounds pretty awesome! Have you heard of "The Tower of Dread?" It is a really neat RPG tabletop that uses a Jenga tower as a game mechanic... I want to play that some time.
I'm actually in the process of writing a Dread scenario. I've never played before, but I love the concept and creativity involved.
The game gets a little unwieldy when you start combining too many character sets. We played a 12-person (games 1-3) round at the last TableTop day I hosted, and too much happened in between your turns that you lost a lot of control around what happened to you. Once the board was whittled down to 6 players or so did the game start to "work" again.