10 years ago
Charlie Hebdo cover is an "act of war"
An "act of war," is how Anjem Choudary -- a radical Islamic preacher in London -- has described Charlie Hebdo's most recent cover depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammad. Choudary voiced similar opinions in a 60 Minutes interview with Clarissa Ward in November when he condemned democracy and argued that "Islam is superior," and the media is merely "propaganda for the Western regimes." Choudary's zealotry made him difficult to interview, Clarissa told 60 Minutes Overtime.
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I'm not opposed to Islam or the belief of Mohamed as a teacher of faith. I am opposed to followers of any idea forcing others to believe their ideology. Killing, maiming people to intimidate them into living a lie will not make religion right. Faith in God is a personal journey it either calms your soul or gives you a purpose to live, forcing anyone to believe something is the best way to making them hate it.