Cannabis & Sports
Did you know Cannabis can improve your game?
This Is Your Brain While Videogaming Stoned
Once I had the weed in my possession, some friends and I began our study on how weed affected interaction with digital worlds, in an effort to decide if a night spent smoking and gaming was as much of a brain-numbing experience as one might assume. We played a variety of video games ...
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I mean, if you really want to up your esports or competitive go/chess games, just stick to Adderal/Ritalin/caffeine in moderation. It has already become widespread in academia, with the same improvements to focus, without the delay in reaction times. You also don't need to rely on three subjects self-reporting results on vice for the data. (Note, I do not play esports but got through my undergrad through rigorous use of coffee/nicotine to ease with tests/assignments, to the point where i still quote the line about mathematicians are machines that convert coffee into theorems).