Post Overview
9 years ago+2 2 0Only a Beagle owners will understand this video: Dog wants to trade stuff for a human breakfast
This is how our breakfast looks like with our beagle dog:)
9 years ago+3 3 0Dog and baby are best friends: It's never too late to train your pet to get along with your children
Newborn babies are one of the most common reasons why loved dogs are ending up in the shelters, but babies and dogs can be the best friends,just we have to show them how. It's never too late to train your pet to get along with your small childre ...
9 years ago+5 5 0Baby Teaches Dog to use Hoover: Cute Dog and Baby Video
Watch as adorable Baby points Dog in the direction of the hoover. Using his paws, Charlie presses the right button and turns the hoover on.
9 years ago+15 15 0Dog Helps Mom Change Baby's Diaper
9 years ago+2 2 0Guilty dog apologizes baby for stealing her toy:it is never too late for apologize for friends
10 years ago+1 1 0Dog comes back from a walk like a boss
10 years ago+1 1 0Charlie Surprised Little Sister Laura and Created Ball Party for Her. Cute Dog and Baby Video
10 years ago+1 1 0Dog Helps Idiot with ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
10 years ago+1 1 0Dogs shaming video for barking in the middle of the night. Beagle Charlie and Maltese Rico
Two dogs were barking in the middle of the night, We decided to punish them by this shaming video Follow Charlie on Facebook:
10 years ago+2 2 0Smart Dog helps young parents to swing baby in the crib
I never expected my life will be so joyful with my lovely wife, beautiful daughter and amazing dog. I love them all so much Music:"Reunited" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creati ...
10 years ago+2 2 0Lets play patty patty cake with a dog
Beagle dog plays patty cake on my coffee break:)
10 years ago+1 1 0Funny Dog slow motion fetch fails.
Sometimes charlie is such a clumsy dog:) he can not catch the ball:D
10 years ago+2 2 0Dog ways to get your attention
When you have a beagle, forget about times spend just for yourself
10 years ago+2 2 0Excited dog welcomes child
Excited beagle dog welcomes child in beagle way:)
11 years ago+2 2 0Life is beautiful when you have family and a beagle.Dog meets newborn Baby for the first time.
I just want to share with you my best day of life:)
11 years ago+2 2 0Dog wants to get into the kitchen,but not this time
I just love his cute face
11 years ago+2 2 0Why you should get a beagle:) Ultimate Funny Dog Compilation:Cute beagle dog helps me cleaning house
Hi everyone. I want to share with you my funny video with my cute beagle dog My wife is one luck lady to have two gentlemen cleaning house while she's at work!:)
11 years ago+2 2 0Wonderful life with a dog: Anniversary video celebrating one year and 500 subscribers
Today I want to share with you my anniversary video! I am with you ONE YEAR already! Hard to believe it, right? :}} So i made a video for you! Hopefully you will enjoy watching it! ;} And next year you might be here too! :} Find Charlie on Faceboo ...
11 years ago+1 1 04 Beagle ways to make you stop play video games
If there's time to play video games, there's time to spend with your pets. Remember, seeing you is the high point of their day!
11 years ago+4 5 1Beagles are best dogs ever. Smart dog makes my life easier.
This time Charlie has very hard job to do. Check it out :)