5 years ago
Your heartburn drugs may be giving you allergies, study suggests
When heartburn or ulcer pain strikes, drugs can target stomach acid to calm bellies and offer relief. But a new study suggests the medications may come with a hive-inducing side effect: allergies.
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It can be giving you some other things too. Mine went away when I started hflc...I remember the moment when I threw the Tums away...It was not till years later,in an OL conversation did I make the connection between hflc and stopping GERD.
I feel like except for in more extreme cases (e.g. ulcers), heartburn is a self-limiting thing. You can generally avoid it if you're careful, by what types of foods you eat. Except for people with an actual medical condition that causes heartburn, I feel like the average person can do away with over-the-counter heartburn meds.