8 years ago
Texas allows guns in college classrooms under new law
A new law went into effect in Texas on Monday that allows certain students to bring guns into classrooms, with supporters saying it could prevent mass shootings and critics saying the measure will endanger safety on campuses. The so-called state "campus carry" law allows people 21 and older with a concealed handgun license to carry pistols in classrooms and buildings throughout public colleges, including the University of Texas system, one of the nation's largest with an enrollment of more than 214,000 students.
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I have no problem with this. If we are going to have concealed carry laws, it makes no sense that a place like a school would be off-limits. Bars and places where alcohol is served, yes. But a school? Why does that make a difference? I got my CCW over 20 years ago and I didn't understand why the law said I couldn't take my gun onto a campus then, and it still makes no sense.
I quit carrying a gun a long time ago and don't even own one anymore. But, I support the 2nd Amendment for those who choose the exercise it. I actually support eliminating all guns, but that will never happen, so the next best thing, in my opinion, is for law-abiding citizens to be able to protect themselves from the animals. Personally, I moved away from the animals in the big city and haven't found the need for a weapon up here in the mountains of northern California. If someone needs weed so bad that they want to steal my plants, fuck it, I have plenty.