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Published 9 years ago by geoleo with 5 Comments
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  • jmcs

    I'll add it to my list of reasons to stay in right side of the Atlantic. By the way this is going it's probably cheaper to just get rid of criminal courts outright.

    • racerxonclar

      I've thought about changing sides of that ocean more than once.

      • jmcs

        By the recent wave of americans we got at my job you are not the only one, but I wouldn't feel safe if all reasonable americans crossed the pond and left the nukes with the nutjobs.

  • Gracey

    This ruling turns on it's side the standard of "guilt beyond a reasonable doubt", and pushes the responsibility of "proof" beyond a reasonable doubt onto the defendants. This is NOT how our CJS is supposed to work! Justice Sotomayor is correct that this ruling hollows out the 4th amendment protections. Sad day for justice.

  • Kalysta

    It used to be, the difference between the US and a cruel dictatorship was that we put our criminals on trial and proved they were guilty of something before we shot them. Now? Well, maybe we should seek to ally ourselves with North Korea. It appears our Supreme Court has a lot in common with the regime over there.

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