6 years ago
Silicon Valley insiders say Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter are using 'behavioral cocaine' to turn people into addicts
The BBC's 'Panorama' documentary has investigated how tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat get their users hooked. The show spoke with Silicon Valley insiders who say social-media companies deliberately engineer their platforms to be addictive.
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This is true to a point (that tech firms are trying to turn people into social media addicts) but it only works up to a point, IMHO. At some point, it backfires and becomes too "hard" to use the platform or make progress on it - Instagram is an example of that, where you have to wind up spending quite a bit of time if you want to get more people interacting with you. As a result, some users will just say it's "too hard" and give up because it's something that takes up too much time IRL on something that's not ultimately meaningful. That time could be spent on other things instead that matter more. I've made exactly that decision with Instagram (I have it on my phone but don't use it anymore) and likewise I'm logging on to Twitter only about once a week instead of almost once a day like I used to. So yes, I feel like efforts by tech companies to make it more addicting, are only making it take up more of our time, upon which we realize that it's not really worth it and quit (or interact less on the platform). I don't even use Facebook; I've never even bothered with it.
I've never bothered with any of it. If people want to talk with me,I have an email account,or they can use the Google Hangout or phone..Otherwise,forget it.