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Published 9 years ago by geoleo with 7 Comments

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Conversation 7 comments by 4 users
  • Appaloosa

    Nothing more than exploitation. Enjoy.

    • AdelleChattre (edited 9 years ago)

      Exploitation? More like finding meaning in a life and death, if you ask me.

      Edit: Really embarrassing clipboard failure. Corrected link.

    • Medicine

      What do you mean exploitation? Who is getting exploited?

      • Appaloosa

        I meant the news media exploiting these tragic events.

        • Dernhelm (edited 9 years ago)

          The media are definitely opportunists, but people should not end up dead after a routine traffic stop while in police custody.

          • Appaloosa (edited 9 years ago)

            No, they should not. They have a vocation and an obligation to do that.

            • Appaloosa

              I am not communicating very well. They both have this responsibility.

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