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Published 8 years ago by galactose with 0 Comments

    Reworked arid biome with more vegetation and height variation. Made biome transitions smoother overall. Improved visuals of the hill noise. Improved texturing of forests. Made forests appear thicker by adding more bushes. Added colliders to airfield warehouse and metal building. Removed invisible colliders around the big powerline poles. Generate all rivers as prototypes, then select the longest ones. Randomized river width along the river path. Tweaked lake and island shape. Fixed rocks spawning inside powerlines. Added palms to arid and temperate beaches. Added some smaller cliffs around the beach to land transition. Water and terrain wetness sun reflections are less intense. Only very bright objects cause bloom (fixes blurring of the entire image). Made bloom blending additive (makes it look less like fog). The torch viewmodel is no longer lowered right into the line of sight when running. Fixed a number of SpeedTree assets having very intense bloom highlights. Increased moon brightness. Increased star brightness. Optimized dynamic decor spawning and object counts. Optimized grass and decor refreshes when no work has to be done. Optimized overall world layout and object counts in remote areas. Weather override admin commands now take floats. New stag sounds. Removed pain sound. Fire does more damage. Fire slows you down. Fire has light. Fire has different sizes. Fixed supply drop dropping too many mining quarries. Supply drops drop more survey charges. Halved ore yields. Increased ore spawns. Rock no longer loses condition when harvesting flesh. Bone knife range increased. Added bone club. Added riot helmet – not as good against bullets but great against melee. Torch does bonus damage when on, but destroys quickly. Shotgun slug is more accurate. Coffee can helmet cost reduced. Increased quarry audio range. Beartraps displace grass. Added landmine. Beartrap cost reduced slightly and made more common. Traps no longer show health. Lowered shotgun headshot sound repeating. Lowered slug damage. Increased shotgun view sway. Fixed keypad viewdistances. Updated metal chestplate/facemask textures. Fixed ragdolls freaking out with arrows in them.


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