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Published 1 year ago by funhonestdude with 1 Comments

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  • kxh

    By being an interruptible and steady baseload, the crypto mine could pull energy from the wind farm and prevent the need for curtailment when the wind was at full tilt.


    If the miners weren’t there the service would need to be procured from other potentially more expensive sources, such as commissioning grid batteries. Covid-19 Pandemic Pictures


    “The Texas grid is the fastest evolving grid in the USA because it’s an unregulated market, so people have an incentive to do things the entrepreneurial way.

    So ... rather than store extra power in batteries, they throw it away mining bitcoin because that's cheaper than batteries. Makes so much sense...NOT.

    Because Texas.

    The state that people ended up getting charged tens of thousands of dollars because power generating companies didn't spend the extra money to make their generators able to work in the cold.

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