9 years ago
'All About That Bass' writer decries streaming revenue
Producer and songwriter Kevin Kadish, one of the first speakers, zeroed in on financial challenges songwriters face with music streaming services. "I've never heard a songwriter complain about radio royalties as much as streaming royalties," Kadish said. "That was the real issue for us, like 1 million streams equals $90. For a song like 'All About That Bass,' that I wrote, which had 178 million streams. I mean $5,679? That's my share.
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The sooner the industry finds a way to work alongside streaming industries rather than against them, the better.
I used to pirate all my music (except my favorite albums, which I would buy the physical copy), until streaming services finally came to Canada. Now I haven't downloaded anything in well over a year. It's a massive step forward and should definitely continue.