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Published 9 years ago by eruditojones with 0 Comments
  • #sexysocialism

  • Angry Salmond writes...


    On June 20th, the people of Scotland will once again occupy George Square in Glasgow and make a stand against the appalling Westminster politics of austerity. A plethora of political, charitable and human rights groups are expected to attend to make their voices heard.

    It would be fucking awesome to see as many of you as possible in attendance, wearing the famous pink beret and sunglasses. It is worth remembering that believers in #SexySocialism have already shown their generous nature in donating to the Breast Cancer Campaign this year. Further donations to the cause on June 20th – even as little as £2 – will go some way towards fighting breast cancer.

    Scheduled to begin at 12 noon, “Scotland United Against Austerity” will send out the strongest message yet that Scotland will not be submissive to the cold and illogical Conservative ideology. Get angry, be sexy, have fun!



  • Angry Salmond Song


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