9 years ago
Meet the man cleaning up after the Godus disaster
I meet the man trying to fix 22cans in the bar of the Hilton Brighton Metropole. The Develop conference is happening all around us, although at a slower pace this morning, because last night everyone went out for a drink. Well, not everyone. Simon Phillips, the new CEO of 22cans, didn't. Simon is alert and ready to talk in detail about 22cans. Immediately I sense he'll be up for what's to come, which is great, because there's a lot to work through.
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The company that ported the game to mobile devices has done a good job at "fixing" a lot of shortcomings. It seems better balanced. Oh, Peter Molyneux...
He seems motivated enough, i'll give him that. But i'm afraid i'll always have a sour-taste in my mouth when i hear about 22cans/Godus.
For me personally it was the final nail in the coffin of my belief in a man that shaped a lot of my early gaming memories. Peter Molyneux. After Black and White, Fable and the such, we are stuck with "Godus" and the game who's name i allready forgot, the one with the cube.
I do realise i'm not representative or even unbiased. But i'll be pleasantly surprised if i hear the name 22cans in 4 years without feeling dissapointed and reminded of what in my eyes was lost in the gaming industry.
Yeah, the good thing though, it that they seem to recognise that the onus is on them to prove that they can do this, and until then we can continue not caring. So if I start seeing something that actually starts working, maybe I'll take interest, but before then they've a lot of work ahead of them and they seem to see that. Will be interesting how the other game mentioned, The Trail, ends up working considering their current reputation. Maybe the CEO can rein Molyneux in enough to make it work before it's released?
The cube game was "Curiosity: What's Inside the Cube" by the way, mentioned in the article as well. They seem to be still working on that, making a "proper" resolution instead of simply paying the fellow off. Interesting to see how that'll end as well.