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Published 9 years ago by dianep with 6 Comments

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  • frohawk

    I hope this does well. I doubt it will, but there needs to be a lighter atmosphere for the superhero franchise.

  • fanficmistress

    It sounds interesting but I'm kind of disappointed as when I read the title I thought of it as a mockumentary of the alter-egos going about their daily business.

    • shadow1515

      That is not where my mind went when I read the title, but now that you took it there I am also disappointed this isn't what it is.

    • SevenTales

      I read the title and I thought it was a show about the DC offices styled after the office. Like the day to day of comic publications, seen through a comedic lens. It would've been funny.

  • Triseult

    I'm so torn. On the one hand, the concept is fantastic... On the other hand, besides The Flash, I haven't found reason to trust DC with their TV series so far. If this turns out as tepid as Gotham, I'm not even gonna get near it.

    • shadow1515

      I'm with you there. I have been nothing but disappointed with DC universe media lately. I don't know what they need to do to get their act together, but they need to do it fast.

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