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Published 6 years ago by darvinhg with 7 Comments

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  • Appaloosa

    This will get ugly as this progresses.

  • achekulaev

    Shit is going to hit the fan when they reach US border.

    • AdelleChattre

      You mean when they are denied their legal right to apply for asylum at a port of entry?

      • achekulaev

        In terms of procedure, you would first tell the inspections officer that you fear returning to your country and that you wish to apply for asylum. If you convince the officer of your fear, you should be given what’s called a “credible fear interview” with a trained asylum officer. If that goes well, you’ll be allowed to apply for asylum, either while in detention or after release on bond.

        So if they make an orderly line then possibly 1% of them might be let in.

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