7 years ago
Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation
The conversation reinforces the notion that President Trump dismissed him primarily because of the bureau’s investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives.
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Translation: "We're making this shit up as we go."
The NY Times has absolutely zero credibility as a news organization, and they have long since lost the benefit of the doubt when it comes to anonymous sources.
Somebody was hectoring me for not blindly accepting the Washington consensus reality recently — I think it was about U.S. support for Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria where they oppose the Syrian government — and at one point she said "Don't you think, if that were true, it would be on the front page of The New York Times?"
I shouldn't've laughed so hard. And that's when the fight started.
Edward Snowden set the bar for me when it comes to this kind of stuff. He produced the documents and put his name out there. When I read this latest thing, I just filed it with the rest of the bullshit that is coming out lately. I'll gladly accept an anonymous source who provides verifiable documentation but until then it's just a bunch of "reports" from "officials familiar with the matter" so I'll disregard it all as nonsense until someone fronts up and produces something concrete. If Trump is as dangerous as he seems then it should be easy for someone to provide something of substance.
Or even specify a law that’s been broken...
Yup. I'm an Englishman in Canada who views this all a light entertainment so have nothing vested in this but, good grief, with all the crap that comes out every day there must be one person with one piece of unequivocal proof to bring him down that will bring this shit show to an end.
Gotta say, I noticed this got a downvote without a comment. I know we've got people around that haven't spent a lot of time at Snapzu so maybe it's worth repeating: it's better to leave a comment than a downvote. If you can't comment, maybe your downvote doesn't mean much. Let's not let this place turn into Reddit.